Snakes, Springs and Shimmering: Christ as a way in the wilderness? Fortnightly evening sessions
Snakes, Springs and Shimmering: Christ as a way in the wilderness? Fortnightly online evening sessions
Registrations are still open for the September sessions.
3 Sunday evenings: 20 August, 3 September, and 17 September from 7:00 - 8:30 pm AEST
led by Celia Kemp
In her stimulating presentation for the Eremos AGM in October 2022, Celia drew from Scripture, First Nations and other desert voices and country itself to speak about prophets, wilderness and the state of the Australian soul. There was much to consider in her thought-provoking presentation, and so we invited her back for more. (See link to the presentation below.)
In these 3 sessions Celia will open up and expand on similar themes. She will ask whether a theology arising from desert places can help find a lively way forward through the intractable divides of our time.
Where is Christ amidst Settler-Colonialism, Capitalism and the Culture wars?
As our fragmentation leads to a loss of a common language...
how do we even speak about righteousness? Sin? Forgiveness?
The living presence of God?
Each evening will have content, time for reflection, small group discussion and whole group conversation.
Please join us when you are able. Registration essential.
To participate click on "Purchase Tickets" and this will take you to the single registration for all 3 sessions. It is not necessary to attend all 3. You can join when you are able. There is just one cost for this series, no matter how many sessions you attend.
Cost: Free for Eremos members. Non members: $15 for 1, 2 and/or 3 sessions.
This one cost one registration we hope will keep the process simple for participants and our volunteer team. Members need to register when logged in to get the free of charge option.
If the cost is prohibitive for your participation, please let us know and we can offer you a subsidised registration. Contact us at events@eremos.org.au
Our volunteer team is assisted if people register online. However, If you have difficulty registering online, please email events@eremos.org.au.
Click here to watch Celia's AGM October 2022 the presentation:
Her powerpoint presentation is in the youtube recording and also available here. If still from the deserts prophets come powerpoint
About Celia Kemp
Photo Credit: Atherreyurre 2023 © Celia Kemp
Celia Kemp is an Eremos member and was one of our panellists from the Eremos 40th Anniversary event on 5 June 2022. She is a writer and theologian living in Mpartnwe, Alice Springs, with a passion for Scripture, lay monasticism, and a theology arising from place. She holds a pattern of ‘small circles close to the ground’ which includes morning prayer, bible studies and retreats and leads Streams in the Desert: an emerging ecumenical Christian community. She is the author and photographer of Into the Desert, Deep calls to Deep and Songs from a Strange Land and the author of A Voice in the Wilderness: Listening to the Statement from the Heart. She previously worked as the Reconciliation Coordinator for the Anglican Board of Mission and in Coronial and Criminal law.
Click here to watch a video clip of Celia reflecting on the desert (taken from the Eremos 40th Anniversary celebration in 2022.)
Celia was interviewed by Meredith Lake in 2022 for the ABC Radio National Soul Search program. They spoke about how deserts shape our sense of the sacred and much more. A link to that interview is here: https://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/soul-search/sacred-landscapes-the-desert/14043908
The Zoom link will be in your confirmation email when you register. If you have any queries about the sessions contact neil.millar565@gmail.com
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