If still from the deserts prophets come?

27th October 2022
Celia Kemp's Presentation from the Eremos 2022 AGM event.

A recording of the Eremos 2022 Annual Gathering presented by Celia Kemp.

When all is not well, listening to place, and the people of place, is painful. But we need to be grounded in the difficult real for life to spring up into the future. And so, when all is not well, we need to listen out for prophetic voices saying the unwelcome true thing.

In this stimulating presentation, Celia draws from Scripture, First Nations and other desert voices and country itself to speak about prophets, wilderness and the state of the Australian soul.

Click here to watch the presentation:


Her powerpoint presentation is in the youtube recording and also available here. 

If still from the deserts prophets come powerpoint

About Celia Kemp

Celia Kemp was one of our panellists from the Eremos Anniversary event on 5 June. She is a writer and theologian living in Central Australia with a passion for Scripture, lay monasticism, and a theology arising from place.  She holds a pattern of ‘small circles close to the ground’ which includes morning prayer, bible studies and retreats and leads Streams in the Desert; an emerging ecumenical Christian community. She is the author and photographer of Into the Desert, Deep calls to Deep and Songs from a Strange Land and the author of A Voice in the Wilderness: Listening to the Statement from the Heart. She previously worked as the Reconciliation Coordinator for the Anglican Board of Mission and in Coronial and Criminal law.

Click here to watch the Eremos 40th Anniversary celebration.

Celia was recently interviewed by Meredith Lake for the ABC Radio National Soul Search program. They spoke about how deserts shape our sense of the sacred and much more. A link to that interview is here: https://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/soul-search/sacred-landscapes-the-desert/14043908

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