Weaving Art, Indigenous Story and Culture and Ministry
28th November 2023

Weaving Art, Indigenous Story and Culture and Ministry was presented by Rev Glenn Loughrey as part of the Eremos Online Annual General Meeting and end of year gathering on Sunday 26th November 2023.
The recording of his presentation is available here.
Please note: there were some difficulties with transmission as it was recorded. These are corrected about ½ way through after which there is a much better sound quality.
About the Speaker
Rev. Canon A/Prof Uncle Glenn Loughrey is a Wiradjuri man. He is an artist and leader at the Crawford School of Public Policy at the Australian National University in Canberra and the Anglican Diocese of Melbourne's Educator and Advocate for the Voice.
Glenn is also the chairperson of the National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Anglican Council, the vicar of St Oswald's in Glen Iris and artist in residence at St Paul's Anglican Cathedral in Melbourne. Glenn shares more of his story and recent experiences ‘On the Road with the Referendum’ on his blog: https://www.redshoeswalking.net/
He is an author of two books: ‘On Being Blackfella's Young Fella: Is Being Aboriginal Enough?’ (2020) and ‘Another Time Another Place: Towards An Australian Church’ (2019) https://www.glennloughrey.com/books
More about Glenn:
ABC Soul Search 2023:
Website: Link to the recording