Listening to Country: An Indigenous Theology and Spirituality series
19th September 2024

About this series
Eremos partnered with Pitt St Uniting Church, St James Institute in Sydney, and the Wellspring Community in collaboration with the School of Indigenous Studies at the University of Divinity to offer this series.
This aim of the 3-part series was to explore and break open some of the wisdom, knowledge, and direction for living to be discovered in listening to country. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in these lands now called Australia seek to live deeply connected to country and to share that knowing with others.
We learned from Aboriginal presenters sharing a variety of perspectives from their lived experience, their research and their integration of Christian theology with indigenous spirituality. As Garry Worete Deverell describes in his book Contemplating Country, ‘Such a transformation is necessary if Christianity is ever to leave behind its Eurocentric habits and truly arrive in the sovereign and unceded country of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander nations.’
We are grateful to have had the opportunity to have our lives enriched through this series and offer our thanks to all involved, particularly our speakers for their contributions.
Please share these links with others.
The first of our series, Listening to Country: An Indigenous Theology and Spirituality, was held on Sunday 21 April 2024.
Dr Garry Deverell gives the first lecture in the "Listening to Country" series, sponsored by Pitt Street Uniting Church, Eremos, St James Institute and Wellspring. Dr Deverell is a Trawloolway man from northern lutruwita (Tasmania). He is Academic Dean, Lecturer, Research Fellow in the new School of Indigenous Studies at the University of Divinity.
The second of our series, Listening to Country: An Indigenous Theology and Spirituality, was held on Sunday 11 August 2024.
Professor Dr Anne Pattel-Gray gives the second lecture in the "Listening to Country" series, sponsored by Pitt Street Uniting Church, Eremos, St James Institute and Wellspring. Professor Anne Pattel-Gray was appointed Professor of Indigenous Studies and inaugural Head of the School of Indigenous Studies at the University of Divinity and commenced the role in August 2022. She is a descendant of the Bidjara / Kari Kari people of Queensland and a celebrated Aboriginal leader.
The third of our series, Listening to Country: An Indigenous Theology and Spirituality, was held on Sunday 8 September 2024.
Nathan Tyson gives the third lecture in the "Listening to Country" series, sponsored by Pitt Street Uniting Church, Eremos, St James Institute and Wellspring. Nathan Tyson is an Aboriginal man of Anaiwon/Gomeroi descent, who has lived most of his life in Sydney. Nathan is a lawyer and long time advocate for the rights of Aboriginal peoples, having worked for organisations such as the NSW Ombudsman, the ICAC, the Australian Securities and Investments Commission, Western Sydney University, and Uniting, before commencing his role as the Manager, First Peoples Strategy and Engagement with the Uniting Church in Australia’s Synod of NSW and the ACT in May this year.
Click here to view the recording of Session 3 Nathan Tyson on Acknowledging Country: Way forward to reconciliation
Click here to download the slides: Acknowledging Country