Contemplation in the City Recording now available
24th March 2022
The video recording of the online event, Contemplation in the City, presented by Rev Dr Sarah Bachelard, founder and leader of the Benedictus community in Canberra is now available.
The event was held on Sunday 20 February and was co-hosted by Pitt Street Uniting Church, Sydney and Eremos.
Sarah described contemplative practice as anything done attentively, for nothing, for its own sake. At the heart of it is silence, deep stillness and to make the choice to let go of whatever is distracting us.
She spoke about Christian Meditation and what the contemplative life offers. Her description of the qualities of a contemplative Christian community was informed by her experience of the Benedictus community in Canberra. Sarah described three examples of how such a community offers to the larger community rest and connectedness.
Watch the video recording here.
Developments at Pitt Street Uniting Church
This online event continued a conversation for Pitt St Uniting about how they may offer a contemplative space in the turmoil of the city. Explorations in 2021 saw the beginning of such an initiative offered online. ‘Sanctus’ is led by Trish Watts which invites participants to join in ‘Prayers and Songs from Taizé’ on Zoom 5:30 - 6:15 pm AEDT on the first and third Thursdays each month.
No registration required. Details here:
It is hoped, that this will form the base for a contemplative gathering in person at the church later in the year becoming a meeting place for all those longing for reflective conversation and stillness in the CBD. This gathering offered every Thursday at 5.30pm will be offered in a hybrid way, to keep the ‘door open’ to those geographically distant to join online.
Pitt Street also offers Reflect and Connect in its current hybrid form each Thursday from 12:30 - 1:20 pm both in situ and by Zoom
Sign up for their newsletter to keep up with developments.
People interested in knowing more or being part of contemplative practice at Pitt Street Uniting Church are encouraged to contact Revd. Penny Jones,
More details about Benedictus may be found on their website:
Sarah Bachelard is a theologian, retreat leader, author and speaker, based in Canberra. She is founding director of Benedictus Contemplative Church, an ecumenical worshipping community with meditation at its heart. Sarah has taught contemplative prayer nationally and internationally. Her talks for the 2019 John Main Seminar for the World Community for Christian Meditation have recently been published as A Contemplative Christianity for Our Time. Sarah is the author of Experiencing God in a Time of Crisis, Resurrection and Moral Imagination and A Contemplative Christianity for Our Time.