Members value unique Eremos forum

16th January 2019
The responses from the recent Eremos membership survey were thoughtful and heartfelt. Much energy for what Eremos offers was expressed by the members who responded.

Members value the unique forum Eremos provides

 “I feel that we are in a time of great transition and the future is very uncertain. I believe that for the foreseeable future Eremos just needs to be itself, in whatever way it can, with the resources it has, and trust in the Spirit.”  -- Eremos member

The responses from the recent Eremos membership survey were thoughtful and heartfelt. Much energy for what Eremos offers was expressed by the members who responded. People felt that Eremos held a unique place within the conversation of Australian spirituality. Some appreciated the Australian voice within spirituality and theological circles, others the diversity of views that Eremos is able to hold and foster. Here were some of the ways that members described their experience of Eremos.

  • A unique voice in Australian life; a genuinely safe forum for exploring life.
  • The wonderful nourishment of the magazine.  The community of people willing to explore spirituality.
  • Eremos offers connection for those truly searching for a depth of spirituality that is beyond the scope of church
  • EREMOS magazine  provides a forum that promotes progressive religious and spiritual perspectives
  • A fearless wide reaching exploration of contemporary Australian spirituality
  • In the EREMOS magazine I find well articulated alternative points of view and reflections on Christianity and spirituality in the Australian Context.
  • Eremos is a wonderful community of mature minded people who are on a journey of discovery

Although members are across Australia and a few overseas, many expressed a strong sense of being part of the Eremos community; a place they felt accepted, and could freely and joyfully explore their own spirituality. There was a strong sense of connectedness which came from the feeling of belonging with a group who shared common experiences and ideas of the ‘journey’.

People loved that Eremos was independent of any denomination or other group. That tied in with the general membership of people being explorers within the current theological and spiritual landscape. They felt a progressive and diverse voice within Australian theology would be lost should Eremos cease to exist; that a ‘voice’ in Australian theology would be silenced. Others would mourn the loss of a creative aspect of exploring spiritual ideas.

When asked about the future, one respondent gave a thoughtful response suggesting an online discussion forum, “I think important discussions about spirituality are currently taking place, some denominational, others inter-faith, others by people who are simply exploring. There is a great sense of a new consciousness arising, and of the need to deepen our spirituality in order to live wisely and compassionately in a materialistic world where many are losing faith in institutions.  Networking helps us share ideas with others on the journey. So, I wonder if, as well as printed or on-line material, some provision for on-line discussion, perhaps in response to articles, is worth considering. I realise this would need moderating.” Another member’s perspective on the future leads this article.

We welcome readers’ thoughts about what Eremos offers and what would nurture your spiritual searching.

Send us a message through or  Contact.

Thanks to Elaine Alinta and Jorie Ryan for their contributions to this article.

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